chain up

英 [tʃeɪn ʌp] 美 [tʃeɪn ʌp]

用链子捆住; 把…拴起来



  1. The house price chain is gummed up.
  2. I suspect they will standardize the design, and they will localize the fabrication and get the whole supply chain geared up, and they will mass-produce to get the cost down.
  3. In fact, the above example actually ends up selecting the tr element row-001, so the daisy chain ended up right back where it started!
  4. And, a hundred years ago in some European hospitals, fear of violence during full moons led doctors to chain up patients thought to be lunatics.
  5. I must find her and chain her up.
  6. I'd rather have a chain saw shoved up my ass than tell.
  7. A local supply chain built up around the plant, attracting the likes of Chinese smartphone maker Foxconn.
  8. The chemical reaction which results in a polymer chain being broken up into monomer units.
  9. If an attack procs a seal of command then that seal of command can chain onto up to two different targets.
  10. What drives this polypeptide chain to fold up?
  11. But why did they use iron chains to chain up the pillars?
  12. I was just going out to chain up the dogs.
  13. Push the timing chain housing up as far as the centring pins.
  14. Data chain linked up datum stand and flow stand is the only route.
  15. A residence time distribution mathematic model by continuous-time Markov chain was built up.
  16. The transport chain is made up of a series of proteins known as electron carriers.
  17. Of this change will be to raise costs for the average chain by up to 10 per cent.
  18. However, the red color similar to that of seals is powerful enough to penetrate through time, to ridicule forgettery, and chain up our fates again.
  19. The problems of China's supply chain are not only displayed in the aspects of supplier selection, supply chain setting up, and the quality and prices of supply goods, but also in practical operation.
  20. Contained about 86.91% of total sugar, with 80.48% uronic acid; main chain maded up of-linkage;
  21. As a popular logic idea, supply chain set up a milestone in the development of management.
  22. Supply chain coordination is studied under given supply chain made up of single-supplier and single-buyer and symmetric and complete information between the supplier and buyer.
  23. Coordination mechanism of a two-layer supply chain made up of a supplier and a wholesaler under demand elasticity is studied in the article.
  24. Various issues were also discussed, such as systematic thinking, extending of value chain to up and backward positions, enhancing cooperative efficiency, maximizing overall enterprise values, as well as fully digging and value-adding of virtual value chain in an enterprise.
  25. Exactly this contestation, make "the literature subjectivity" been risen the theories by the fulfillment, and become the new period literature theories history chain up a wreath that can't neglect.
  26. The type of supply chain made up of manufacturer and retailer is formalized, in which manufacturer and distributor promote sale by advertisement and sales promotion.
  27. Manufacture enterprise is in the complex circumstance of supply chain made up by numerous horizontal competitors and longitudinal cooperators, and each nodal enterprise has the problem of knowledge conversion, and influence each other.
  28. For a supply chain made up of distributors, retailers and final customers, system dynamic models are constructed using traditional inventory management methods, which are tested and simulated.
  29. It can not only directly display testing data, but also automatic chain up and save testing result. At the same time, it can realize the function of contacting the network through serial port.



  1. tie up with chains
    1. chain up the prisoners